Monday, January 21, 2013

Random thoughts from the road

I'm in the truck right now, on the way to Chattanooga again. Sure wish this place was a little closer. Seems we're here all the time.. Which is a good thing.. I guess. The reason we come is because there's a young couple here with their lives a little straighter than ours who order from us all the time. The funny thing is, they're jealous of our lives. Ha. It blows my mind how many people tell me they're envious of us... when I'm secretly envious of them. Guess that's the whole "grass is greener" thing.
It's so strange when you hear what others think of you or say about you. The conclusions they've drawn about your life on the tiniest bit of info they have... The scary part is the amount people can assume! One of my girlfriends came over the other day, alone for the first time. Reason being, her husband doesn't allow her out of his sight for too long. And if you knew her... Well anyway, she's telling me about this therapy session they were at the night before and she proclaims that the reason she was able to hang with me that night is because the therapist finally put together that the 'friend' she talks about and the 'friend of hers' that her husband talks about are the same person... ME! From what she says I am this passionate, headstrong, business woman who works like a dog for very little because that's the life the man I love wants to lead. But when her hubby speaks of me I'm some free spirited hippie chic with little responsibility and frivolous with my relationship.... ?? Her husband knows that I'm always at her beckon call if she needs me and that my husband allowed me to go out of town for a week and follow around a band I love, which he would NEVER consider letting her do! "Married women just don't do that." She knows the side of me that's always exhausted and busy and running in circles carrying this business that's been running 9 years this April. The truth of the matter is I am a passionate, headstrong business woman with a hippie heart and free spirit. So there... I guess. Opinions are like assholes.

Last night I asked Chad to help in the kitchen by making a rue. I showed him how, he's seen me do it 100 times, so I just let him go. I was making Gnocchi, which is a process you don't break from, and figured he could handle it. Next thing I know he's putting it in the Bullet (blender), not what i asked, and before I can open my mouth I've been shot in the face with scalding hot liquid and Chad's dancing around, dripping and cussing. Worst part!.. he started it up on the bar between the kitchen and living room so he could see the game. So now gravy has covered both rooms. The bar (including the laptop and papers for taxes) stool and tables we just brought in from the shop for today's delivery, the couch, carpet, wood floor, coffee table, ceiling, ceiling fan, and of course the two of us.... *sigh* Who needs kids..

I just watched a video of a man singing his heart out on stage while a bunch of jerks in a bar spoke loudly around him like he wasn't even there. And what he was playing he doesn't play often... if ever. They had no idea the gift he was giving them. And it irritated me to the point I wished I had been there. To storm up on that stage, grab the mic and scold those assholes! ... Ha! Could you see that? 5'nothin shouting at a few hundred people, "Shut the f*^# up and show some respect to this man! Are you not here for this!? Is this not why you paid to get in!? " / Cut to getting my ass kicked. I had enough liquid courage to speak my mind at a show once. A POE concert.... And my roommate nearly ended up with a concussion.......... CRISCO! Lord I haven't thought of that in a very long time. We called the guy Crisco.... *sigh* Not to his face!! After the fact! ....Never mind.

It's fun when you actually sneeze the way it's pronounced in conversation. (Ya that just happened) When my grandfather yawns, he's all, "Ho Ho Ho hum" every. Single. Time. It's adorable. I'll miss that when he's gone........

I'm leaving Friday to go to Norfolk for the weekend!! Again :) It's become my favorite place in the off seasons. My gf, Jamie, and I are going to see the Broadway rendition of American Idiot. The musical by Green Day. We're staying in a suite on the beach with a heated pool and sauna then driving the 20 mins or so into town for the show... Oh I can't wait! Just to get away and relax for the weekend. Clear my head......

Okay, we're here. Nice chatting with.. me.